Happy 7 months to Elyse!
You weigh 20 pounds and sit up on your own....
You can say "dada" and "hey there"
Sometimes we swear you say words but are not positive...
Your new thing is to make patty cake...
You love to clap your hands and slap them on your leg...
You absolutely adore your sister and will look around for her...
Sometimes she does aggravate you but you get her back by pulling her hair...
You LOVE Word World...
Daddy and I use that sometimes as a way to get things done around the house.
When you hear them say "school" you turn and are glued to it for the entire time...
You love to chew anything you can get your hands on...
Toys, blankets, fingers, strings, you name it - you can chew it...
We change your bib several times a day because you drool so much...
You have two teeth... You can see your teeth when you smile...
You are now an expert in the walker... Today you went in Mommy and Daddy's room without any assistance...
Three minutes later you were at your sister's door... We now keep the doors closed...
It is so hard to believe that you were this little only seven months ago...
Here is Big Sister Emma...
She has been sick with some virus and not feeling good...
Today she is finally fever free and able to play with Elyse...
And our newest addition to the family...
Nathan Parker Oubre was born Friday, January 28.
He is my fourth boy godchild and shares his birthday with my first godson.
He is beautiful and doing wonderful.
Congrats to Nanny Sherrie and Parran Bryan...